What's Up Wednesday

Happy hump day! 
Today I'm linking up with Sheaffer, Shay and Mel for What's Up Wednesday! This is my first What's up Wednesay post and I'm so excited. 

Here are the questions we will be answering so let's dive on in. 


1. What we're eating this week...

Well I haven't been home to cook myself this week because I'm visiting my momma for a long weekend, but I did make a dessert for her from Pinterest. 

They are so yummy and only have 4 ingredients. Make them, love them, and make some more! 

But since I'm home my mom and I went to visit my brother at BGSU (my alma mater) and had Campus Pollyeyes. Pollyeyes is a small pizza shop that we all went to in college. It's famous for its stuffed breadsticks so of course I had to get them they were beyond delicious and gave me flash backs of college. 

2. What I'm reminiscing about...

Since going to BG this weekend I've been reminiscing about college days. 

Especially since seeing the new fraternity and sorority houses they are building. I'm jealous I won't be living in those. 

3. What I'm loving...

I'm loving my new phone case right now. I got this one and it has been a life saver while traveling. Plus it's heavy duty and protects my phone. 

4. What we've been up to...

Well this past weekend I've been at my moms house visiting her for her birthday. I've missed her so much while living in Vegas so it's nice to take off a couple days and come home. 

Plus I got to spend some time with this little guy. He's been my puppy since I graduated high school. He's the sweetest little guy. 

5. What I'm dreading...

I'm dreading leaving here today. I'm excited to go home to Nick and my puppy and kitty, but I just hate the whole traveling aspect. I can't wait to move closer. 

6. What I'm working on...

Right now in working on my Masters homework. I'm trying to get in the swing of things plus keep my life as normal as possible, but between teaching, traveling and homework.... goodness my head might explode. 

7. What I'm excited about...

I'm excited to be going to see these guys in February. They have been my favorite band for years. I used to see them every summer with my best friend so I'm so excited to see them again! Fun fact the main singer, Gary went to my high school. 

8. What I'm watching or reading...

I've been watching every type of reality show out there that is on right now it feels like. You can read my post on What's on my DVR 

I just started reading this book on the plane and love it. Nicholas Sparks does no wrong. I will be seeing this movie when it's comes out. 

9. What I'm listening to...

I always listen to the Bobby Bones morning show on the way to work every morning and usually one popular country song gets stuck in my head. I then keep playing it for a few weeks until I get sick of it, but right now it's Die a Happy Man by Thomas Rhett. 

10. What I'm wearing...

While I've been home I've been wearing comfy, cozy sweats because it's cold here in Ohio compared to Vegas. Since school has started back up I've been wearing my staple outfit of choice: black jeans, jean shirt/ jacket, sweater, black flats and a scarf of course. 

Something like this

11. What I'm doing this weekend...

Nick and I will probably be doing nothing this weekend which looks like this in our house. 

Pulling out the air mattress and putting it in the living room to watch movies all day. My favorite kind of lazy day. 

12. What I'm looking forward to next month...

I'm looking forward to Valentines Day. It's such a cheesy holiday, but I love it. I love doing something cute for Nick. I've been looking on Pinterest for some neat ideas and found some neat ones.

13. What else is new...

Nothing really..... same old, same old.

Bonus: Whats my favorite Valentine's Day treat?...

Favorite treat? I'm not a big chocolates girl. I would take coffee and flowers any day over chocolate. Weird I know, but coffee is my chocolate. So Nick hint, hint. Starbucks and flowers are a way into my heart. 

Happy Wednesday friends! 

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