In honor of Valentine's Day, this week's Pieces of Me is all about LOVE! I know, I know, cheesy, but I've always been a sucker for this Hallmark holiday. I love all things love and pink and flowers. Who could say no to those?!
What better time to have a blog post dedicated to my love! I mean Nick is a huge piece of me after all so he deserves his own post.
Our first date party- 2009 |
Nick and I met our Freshman year in BG. He had just joined a fraternity and I was just joining my sorority. Right after my new member pinning we went out in the hallway and this group of guys was standing there all dressed up and with carnations in their hands. They started calling out the new members names and then stepped forward, handed us a carnation and kissed us on the cheek.
Take a second and picture this moment. Little, shy, freshman me standing there waiting for my name to be called. I had to be the palest person there. I'm awkward and shy and wondering why is someone going to kiss my cheek?? I was a nervous wreck in those 3 short minutes. I was looking around wondering who was going to call my name and thinking, just watch it's going to be someone super tall and everyone will laugh and that will be that.
However, (you all saw this coming) it was the complete opposite! Nick called my name. I stepped forward. He kissed me. Everyone awed and there's our first bullet point. He told me after the fact that our names were on little pieces of paper and instead of throwing his away he went back that night and looked me up on facebook (creeper) and started talking to me.
AOII Spring Formal- 2010 |
We started dating immediately. I can't say it's been a smooth road since then because people would call me out on it. We've had our ups and downs, but we've always came back to the fact that we thought we were better together and I can happily say our relationship is better than it's ever been.
This Valentine's Day I'm in love with love, especially mine. He's my rock and the person I'm meant to be with. He's put everything on hold for me and came with me to Vegas. We've started an amazing life together (little kitty and all) and I can't wait to see what the futures holds for us.
Here's a look down our memory lane:
AOII Formal- 2011 |
Sophomore Year- 2011 |
Pi Kapp Founder's Day |
Junior Year- 2012 |
Pig Roast- 2012 |
Homecoming-2012 |
Pi Kapp Formal- 2012 |
Nick Lavalering Me- Valentine's Day 2013 |
Valentine's Day- 2013 |
Coming Full Circle. Kissing Carnations. |
Graduation- 2013 |
Vegas- 2014 |
Caesar's Palace- 2014 |
San Diego- 2014 |
Christmas 2014
Our story may have started years ago, but I feel like it's just starting now. I love you Nick.
I hope everyone has an amazing Valentine's Day with the ones you love. Remember it's not about cards, chocolates, roses and presents, just about time spent with someone special! (maybe watching 50 Shades of Grey?---- review coming this weekend)
Tell me about your favorite Valentine's Day love. Is it a holiday you celebrate or a Hallmark one? Do you go out or stay in? Who makes the plans?
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