New Job... Don't pass up this opportunity!

Hello everyone! 

It's been awhile since I've blogged and honestly life just got in the way. Between the move, starting a new school year at a new school, and spending time with family and friends we haven't seen in awhile I've been busy. 

BUT..... I started just started a new opporuntity that I just have to tell you about!

That's right! I've jumped on the tutoring band wagon and have been teaching English to students in China.

It's been so much fun!

I found out about this company from a Facebook ad. I decided to try it out because why not? I already teach all day what's another hour at night in my pajamas? The application process is pretty straightforward, but has a few steps in it. I will write another post about that soon! 

But for now I just wanted to give you a little information about the company and the benefits you could get from it! 

VIPKID is a tutoring program for Chinese students to learn English from English speaking teachers mostly in the U.S. You teach the students through an application that has video so you are able to see them. The program comes loaded with the lessons ready to teach so there is little preparation you have to do. 

The program looks like this. It's pretty simple to use, especially after you've taught a few lessons and get used to it! 

The best part is you schedule the classes based on your schedule! You just open slots whenever you are available. That's the best part. There are no requirements about when you have to teach, just open the best times for you! The red times are the peak peak times were you will mostly likely get booked based on what time it is in China and the orange times are the peak times, but you can choose wherever you want. 

Here is what mine looks like from this week! Green means the slots are booked. 

You get paid once a month, the 15th. The pay is based on your experience and you can look at it by hour or by class. Each class is 25 minutes! The best part I think is they have incentives all the time! For example for each class you log in to on time you get a dollar per class. If you teach over 45 classes a month you get another dollar per class. They also have monthly incentives, which include fun prizes!

If you're looking to earn a little more money, but choose when you want to work, this job is for you! 

It is honestly the best choice I've made recently. It's a fun and easy way to earn a little extra money before the holidays! 

Let me know if you have any questions at all! I would love to answer them. 

If you think this is a great opportunity for you then use this link to sign up and check it out!

More VIPKID posts to come!

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