Today I'm linking up with both Sarah and Victoria for their Holiday link-up day three! Well it's was yesterday's post, but I switched this one for their one today.
Today we are talking about our holiday traditions.
Nick and I started our own traditions for the Christmas season when we moved in together 4 years ago and keep adding each year. I think once you have kids many more traditions will form, but for now I'm loving starting memories for just us!
Since we have been in Vegas Nick and I have gone downtown to see the sights in the Bellagio. It's beautiful in there during Christmas and we love to see how they decorated the conservatory!
We also started the tradition of adding an ornament to the tree each year. This was last years :)
At school I bust out my Elf on the Shelf! My kids love it and I love seeing the magic in their eyes each morning!
Each year I buy my mom the Hallmark snowman. I think she has over ten of these now! It's crazy. She doesn't even have room for them anymore, but would be super disappointed if I stopped.

We also make cookies each year! My families' favorites are Italian Pizzelle cookies and cutouts! Both are very different, but amazing!

That's about it for my families' traditions. Obviously we do all the normal presents, dinner, lights, etc, but these are the ones that are constant each year no matter what!
What are your families traditions? Are the similar or completely different? I love new ideas!
Pitzelles are some of my favorite Christmas cookies too! I have my Grammy's recipe, I just need to but an iron so I can make them - they are the quintessential Christmas cookie to me!