Show and Tell Tuesday: How to Win My Heart

Happy Tuesday! 

Today I'm linking up with Andrea for Show and Tell Tuesdays! These link ups have to be my favorite posts to do! 

So today is all about how to win my heart.... well that's complicated!

I would have to say I am a flowers girl. Who doesn't love flowers?! This past year Nick has been surprising me with fresh flowers almost every week and it does make my heart skip a beat. 

Here's my most recent flowers with some kitty wondering around. 

I'm not a real big chocolate person. Just yesterday Nick asked me what kind of candy I wanted to Valentine's Day and I literally told him "I want pie". I would rather have sweets, rather than candy any day of the week. Give me pie, cookies, cake, doughnuts and I'm set. 

But honestly how does Nick win my heart? To me it's not about "stuff" or "chores" it's about the time we spend together. Since he works such an early job, I don't get too much time with him so the time we do have is limited. The moments we have together relaxing and just being together are the way into my heart. 

Just a few weekends ago we blew up the air mattress and watched movies in the living room. This is the way into my heart. Blankets, comfy clothes, movies, pets and time with Nick relaxing. This is my happy place. 

But I would be lying if I didn't say I loved jewelry, and presents. Who doesn't? 

Join me tomorrow for a delicious, easy recipe


on Thursday link up with me for "What's on....??" we are talking about what's on your nightstand!?

Have a great day everyone! 

1 comment

  1. We love our "veg out" dates where we eat too much food, watch too much TV but never have too much of each other! :)
