Weekend Recap

I've been MIA for a couple weeks because its been a crazy couple weeks and I needed to play catch up. 

The last couple of weeks have been jam-packed so here's a little recap for what's been going on. 

I went home two weekends ago for Homecoming and loved every minute of my short weekend home. 

Except for my delayed flight. What do you do during delays? I watch Netflix!

Once I got there, my favorite coffee was a must! 

And cuddles from my puppy!

Nights out with my best friends was just what I needed! 

Plus seeing this girl was a MAJOR highlight from the weekend. I've missed my little so much! 

Anna and Zach not being in Vegas anymore has been hard, so seeing them was amazing! 

We played a lot of silly pranks on each other and took way too many crazy pictures. Get the 6 of us together and its a great time! 


Love these two!

And these two, too!

We got our favorite breadsticks! Yumm!

And played more pranks! 

I had a fabulous weekend home and Nick and I are already counting down till Thanksgiving! 

Last weekend Nick and I bought a car! What an exciting and frustrating day. Sitting in the dealership forever is not my idea of a good time, but driving away in a new car is! 

I received the cutest notes this week! #Teacherlove

And on Friday we had our harvest festival at school and look at this cute pumpkin one of my students last year made for the pumpkin carving contest! Amazing! 

Whewwww! Throw in football, Master's classes, grading and so much more in there and that catches us all up! 

Have a great week everyone!

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