Friday Favorites

I'm back!!! I've been MIA lately because frankly I've been too busy. Master's classes, school, traveling, etc had took up all my time, but the holidays is my favorite time of year and I plan on documenting it! 

Today I'm linking up with AndreaNarci and Erika again for another Friday Favorites! 


Right now Nick and I are LOVING the Joe Biden memes. Anyone else get a kick out of them?


I'm loving Hallmark Christmas movies right now of course. 

I watched this one recently and loved it!


Speaking of TV shows here are my favorites I've been watching.


These scarves  are my favorite right now! 

And these earrings too! 


This Ohio sunset is my favorite. I love my home state! 

But the Vegas sunset isn't bad either! ;)



Last, and most importantly today I'm thankful for rivalry week! I love college football and this is the best week of it! Let's hope the Buckeyes win and I don't have to wear Michigan colors on our Christmas card this year! 

Go Buckeyes!!!! 

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