Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you are enjoying time with your families and friends. We are currently in Ohio and enjoying the cold weather, time with families and rivalry week!! 

Things I'm thankful for this year: 

This guy. He's my rock and keeps me sane. I'm thankful for his love, friendship and guidance. 

I'm thankful for time with family this year. The past few Thanksgivings have been spent with our friends, but this year we got to come home thankfully because of time off (thank you CCSD!!). I love my momma and my pup and I think they love each other too!

Last, but not least I'm thankful for time with friends this year. I love that we are able to spend time with these people because they are the best! 

I'm also thankful for my job, my health, my home away from home and of course rivalry football week! Go Buckeyes! 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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