Weekend Recap

Happy Monday after Thanksgiving break.... 

Seriously though after traveling and traveling and more traveling I'm exhausted. I need another break before we do it again at Christmas. 

I'm not ready to go back to school yet, but I am ready for the Christmas season because it is my favorite! And I'm very ready for my kiddos at school to have even better because this little lady comes back tomorrow!

Welcome back Jolly! 

Ya'll I spent my one day at home today watching this whole thing and I don't know how I feel. I love Gilmore Girls. I love Rory. I love Logan. But I just don't know how I felt about this year in the life. It felt rushed. It felt weird. I don't know. And those LAST FOUR WORDS! Ahhhh. I need more. 

We didn't really go shopping on Black Friday, but just walked around downtown Easton and looked at the Christmas decorations! They had this beautiful tree and...

this amazing Christmas village with OSU Vs. Mich. helmets on the train for the game! And what a game it was!! Thank goodness the Buckeyes won because I would have never heard the end of it and now Nick lost our bet! Just wait for it!

We met these cute puppies and Nick's house this week and I wanted to keep this one so bad. Look at that face! 

This is my problem when I try to shop.... #shopoholic 

Happy Monday!

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