Today is all about holiday outfits!
Now my family and friends have always been super casual on all holidays. There is no dressing up. No fancy parties. No dressing up. So all of my ideas come sole from Pinterest and what my ideal holiday outfits would be...
If I had some fun party to go to I would wear these fun skirts!
So cheerful and merry!
But realistically this is the outfit I will wear on Christmas, very casual with plaid, a scarf and boots.
Or this... more plaid.
I want some pictures of Nick and I done ASAP and would love them to be like this...
Or this cute matching outfit...
But again realistically these are our pictures!
What do you wear for the holidays? I can't wait to read everyone else's ideas!
That second skirt is so cute and holidayish! But I do love your boots, vest, plaid and scarves!!