Show and Tell Tuesday (On a Wednesday): Walk Down Memory Lane

Happy Wednesday!

I'm back thank goodness. Grad school literally ate me alive this past month. You can ask anyone I associate with day to day that all I did was write papers and reports and etc. But that class is done and I'm one step closer to my Masters! 

Anyways even though I couldn't blog yesterday (because I was finishing a paper) I didn't want to miss this Show & Tell Tuesday because we get to take a walk in memory lane and everything that was right in the world in the 90s and early 2000s. 

So I was born in 1991 and grew up in the prime of the 90s and millennium age. I still remember people freaking out before 2000 that the world was going to end. I was BIG into toys, fashion, TV shows and anything and everything Backstreet Boys. Here are some of my favorite childhood memories!

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How could I do this blog without mentioning these guys!! They were my life from 3rd-7th grade. I still remember getting in a fight with my best friend in third grade because she liked N*Sync more. How dare she like JT?! I also had a whole wall dedicated on magazine clip outs of them until my dad saw it and made me take it down because he didn't want to the paint in my room to come off. Gosh! 

I just saw them in concert last week and they were still AMAZING! All the googly eyes to Nick and Brian. 

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Remember these?! I had so many of these. 

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I also tried to keep 5 of these things alive at all times, but I think my parents threw them away because they kept beeping. 

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I had to have the pink one after my brother got a blue one! We played way too much Mario and Pokemon on these things. 

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I broke a few pictures with these things. Opps

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Between Beanie Babies and Furbies my room was infested with stuffed animals! 

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Does anyone remember these?! I can't remember what they were called, but I remember collecting these things like crazy. I bet my brother and I had over 100 of them. 

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I loved all these shows! Disney and Nick were my all time favorite. However I think I watched Rugrats and Power Ranger (original) the most! 

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I wore jelly shoes and those black flip flops things all the time! 

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These two were my fashion inspiration! I'm glad they aren't now.... 

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I remember this icon being my life! 

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I had way too many gel pens that we couldn't even use at school!

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And still have tons of my VHS tapes!

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I remember blowing on the game to make it pay better and playing hours of Mario Cart!

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Yes! (As a teacher I'm glad we don't have these anymore) 

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And I LOVED DunkAroos! 

Ok I'm done. I feel like I could keep going forever because growing up in the 90s was the best! 

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