What's Up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! 

Today I'm linking up with SheafferShay and Mel for What's Up Wednesday!! 

You can read my other What's Up Wednesday post here.

Here are the questions we will be answering so let's dive on in. 

1. What we're eating this week...

We've been grilling a lot recently, because SUMMER! 

Plus, we have friends coming into town this week so we shall be eating out.

A couple weeks ago I made Shay's amazing Buffalo sandwiches. If you know me, you know I love buffalo sauce on anything so this was perfect! 

You can find the recipe and instructions here.

2. What I'm reminiscing about...

Vacation of the past. Yesterday I blogged about my favorite vacations and I wish I was on the beach after writing that. Read my post here.

3. What I'm loving...

My apple watch! Nick got me one for my birthday and I love it!! It's so handy and I don't look at my phone so much. I have two beefs thought. I wish the battery was longer and I wish I would track my steps easier like the Fitbit, but other than that I love it!! 

4. What we've been up to...

I've been doing all the end of school stuff. Grades. Report Cards. Movies. 4 more days people! 4 more days!! 

5. What I'm dreading...

Right now? Nothing really. There are only 4 more days till school is over so that's not enough to dread! I'm so excited for summer! 

6. What I'm working on...

Nothing really. This summer I plan on doing nothing. 

7. What I'm excited about...


8. What I'm watching or reading...

I'm reading this series right now. Don't judge me. It's a 50 Shades kind of book. I love these books. Not for the crazy parts, but for the stories. I don't know why. I started it a week ago and am already on book 4. I have a problem. Yes. 

9. What I'm listening to...

Recently? A lot of Kids-bop at school. Haha

10. What I'm wearing...

This dress in black like daily. It's so comfy and flows great. 

11. What I'm doing this weekend...

My besties are in town so it's going to be a Vegas weekend for them. All six of us will be together and it's going to be great!! 

12. What I'm looking forward to next month...

Can I say summer again!? Because I am so excited for summer. 

13. What else is new...

Nothing really. Same old, same old around here. 

Bonus: What are you looking forward to this summer?

Pool. Reading. Netflix. Relaxing. Pool. Ohio. Reading. Pool. 

That right there. 

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